Devon Kings pure vegetable oil 10Ltr
Devon Kings pure vegetable oil 10Ltr, Sometimes you might just need the right size for your cooking, we have it right here for that healthy cooking.
₦7,900.00₦9,700.00Devon Kings pure vegetable oil 10Ltr
₦7,900.00₦9,700.00 -
Rice Derica
Put some variety in your meals and infuse rice when planning dishes for the week. You can cook your rice in so many ways and that’s what makes them so popular with kids and adults.
₦550.00Rice Derica
₦550.00 -
Live loyola Chicken
Beautiful and connected free-range hens. This hen lives in the countryside and has only good food. Free breeding is much better for animals and their quality of life. The eggs that are tolerant are sold very well and are of high quality. These eggs are valued for their high quality and are the basis of a healthy diet for modern humans.
₦3,500.00 – ₦4,000.00Live loyola Chicken
₦3,500.00 – ₦4,000.00 -
Water Leaf
Water leaf-like most vegetables have a short life cycle and are considered a perishable plant. It is used in the preparation of soups and stews. Sometimes, it could be eaten raw when it is added to salads. It could be sometimes added to okro soup to make it richer and greener. This leafy plant is considered to be a rich source of vitamins and proteins. The protein content could be likened to that of cashew nuts, millets, and cowpeas.
₦800.00Water Leaf
₦800.00 -
Unripe Plantain Portion
It serves as a curative agent for Iron Deficiency: Unripe plantains provide iron and vitamin C, two micronutrients that work together to optimize absorption. Although iron from plant sources is not usually as easily absorbed, vitamin C increases its bioavailability.8 Iron-deficiency anemia causes fatigue, difficulty concentrating, impaired immunity, and poor regulation of body temperature. Plantains can help you avoid this common condition.
₦550.00Unripe Plantain Portion
₦550.00 -
Ginger 500g
Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is an erect, herbaceous perennial plant in the family Zingiberaceae grown for its edible rhizome (underground stem) which is widely used as a spice. The rhizome is brown, with a corky outer layer and pale-yellow scented center.
₦400.00Ginger 500g
₦400.00 -
Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour – 0.9kg x 20 Pieces
Conveniently prepared, without stress and served with any soup of your choice. Proudly eaten in all parts of Nigeria and in many parts of West African countries.
₦23,500.00₦26,000.00Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour – 0.9kg x 20 Pieces
₦23,500.00₦26,000.00 -
Palm Oil 1ltr
Olu-Tony Groceries fresh red oil., Producer of only first extract oil, for all purposes, we have ranging from 4, 10,& 25 ltrs, Make your order now … It is derived from the fruit of the oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) and is referred to as “red palm oil” because of its rich dark red color in its unprocessed natural state. Palm kernel oil is derived from the seed or the kernel.
₦1,500.00Palm Oil 1ltr
₦1,500.00 -
Dried Stockfish Head(medium)
Stockfish is unsalted fish, especially cod, dried by cold air and wind on wooden racks. It’s also used to season natives soup and give taste to food.
₦2,000.00Dried Stockfish Head(medium)
₦2,000.00 -
Fresh Corn Paint 4 Ltrs
Get the best in fresh farmed corn, Our sweet corn is organically grown with great nutritious value and intended for processing different products, like the well-known “popcorn”, etc. Sweet corn is widely used as an ingredient in salads, sauces, and cold dishes.
₦1,200.00 – ₦2,000.00 -
Local Chicken
Chicken is loaded with protein, high in cholesterol, provides selenium which contains antioxidants that help free radicals and improve your immune system. Full-grown local chicken straight from the poultry, we can also slaughter and cut into pieces for your consumption
₦2,600.00 – ₦2,980.00