Ofada Rice Derica
Minerals present in Ofada rice help reduce the risk of colon cancer, regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well as guarantees overall wellness. Delight your family and friends any Season with with Ofada rice.
₦1,950.00Ofada Rice Derica
₦1,950.00 -
White Beans Half Paint
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦750.00White Beans Half Paint
₦750.00 -
White Beans Derica
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦400.00White Beans Derica
₦400.00 -
Bowl of Onions (Purple Fresh)
- Rich in antioxidants
- Sambar Onions contain high measures of fiber and flavonoids
- Can be used in curries, snacks and salads
- Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight
₦5,545.00Bowl of Onions (Purple Fresh)
₦5,545.00 -
Oloyin Beans Derica
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦500.00Oloyin Beans Derica
₦500.00 -
Oka Baba/Guinea Corn – White 4 Ltrs
Our Guinea corn is a nutrient-rich grain that is often ground into flour to make bread, porridge and pancakes. Including it in your diet offers a number of nutritional and therapeutic benefits.
₦1,240.00Oka Baba/Guinea Corn – White 4 Ltrs
₦1,240.00 -
Oloyin Beans 4Ltrs
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦2,500.00Oloyin Beans 4Ltrs
₦2,500.00 -
Brown Beans Olotu
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦460.00 – ₦31,670.00Brown Beans Olotu
₦460.00 – ₦31,670.00 -
Brown Beans Olotu Half Paint
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦1,195.00Brown Beans Olotu Half Paint
₦1,195.00 -
Brown Beans Olotu Derica
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦460.00Brown Beans Olotu Derica
₦460.00 -
Brown Beans Olotu 25kg
A close relative of the Oloyin beans, Olotu beans is popular because it has a natural sweet taste when cooked . It is suitable for making beans porridge, akara and moi moi. its darker brown color differentiates it from other beans.₦31,670.00₦34,500.00Brown Beans Olotu 25kg